“Big Kids” Adult Fishing Derby and Mike’s Cruise In car show at Rotary Park (marina). The “Big Kids” Adult Fishing Derby is an annual Little Falls Canal Celebration event that showcases the numerous species of fish that inhabit the waters of the Mohawk River/Erie Canal between Locks 17 and 18. Cash prizes are awarded for the heaviest of each species caught. The derby is a catch & release format that promotes wildlife conservation of the local waterway. Door prizes are awarded to participants following the tournament, financed by the continuous generous support of Feldmeier Industries. The various fish species caught will be displayed for all to see in an observation tank and later released. Cruise In by Mike features local favorite cars, trucks, and anything with wheels and goes from 5-8 pm. “Big Kids” Adult Fishing Derby and Mike’s Cruise In car show at Rotary Park (marina). The “Big Kids” Adult Fishing Derby is an annual Little Falls Canal Celebration event that showcases the numerous species of fish that inhabit the waters of the Mohawk River/Erie Canal between Locks 17 and 18. Cash prizes are awarded for the heaviest of each species caught. The derby is a catch & release format that promotes wildlife conservation of the local waterway. Door prizes are awarded to participants following the tournament, financed by the continuous generous support of Feldmeier Industries. The various fish species caught will be displayed for all to see in an observation tank and later released. Cruise In by Mike features local favorite cars, trucks, and anything with wheels and goes from 5-8 pm. |